Wearing retainers is an essential part of orthodontic treatment. If they are not worn consistently on a part time basis most people will experience some return of the crookedness of their teeth. Retainers come in two types, fixed retainers which are bonded to the teeth and removable retainers. Bonded retainers are in place 24 hours a day.

Fixed Bonded Retainer

Removable Essix retainer
The safest place for your retainer is in your mouth. The second safest place is in the retainer protective box.

Protective Retainer Box.
It is important to put the retainer box in a secure place where dogs and children cannot get at it.

Dogs and Kids Love Playing With Retainers
Dogs are particularly adept at finding and destroying retainers. They are attracted by the smell of the retainers and can find them in bedside lockers and countertops. So it is important to keep them well out of reach.

Dogs are particularly good at stealing retainers.
It is important not to wrap your retainer up in tissue or a napkin if you have to take it out while eating , otherwise it can end up in the rubbish bin.

Retainers can end up in the rubbish bin.
Retainers are often lost when somebody is away from home, for instance in a friends house or in a hotel. Sometimes the retainer is left behind by the patient and thrown out by the cleaner unaware of what it is. Other times over enthusiastic bedroom cleaners have thrown them out during the patients holiday assuming that the retainer or the retainer box was rubbish.

“Dumpster Diving” for a mislaid retainer.
If the retainer is lost it should be replaced as soon as possible.
This blog was written by Dr John Buckley Clonmel’s most qualified and most experienced orthodontist. We use cutting edge technology in Clonmel Orthodontics to provide excellent orthodontic treatment at affordable prices.Our surgeries are airy spacious and private , like you might expect if you visited a general medical practitioner.