Some patients who are having orthodontic treatment may get one or two little sores in their mouths. If this occurs, it is most common in the days after the appliances has been fitted .Generally these will last a day or two , and will disappear as the mouth adapts to the orthodontic appliance.
The source of irritation maybe an orthodontic bracket or wire . With aligners (e.g. Invisalign or Clear correct e.g.) the source of the irritation can be the edge of the aligner itself (which can be smoothened with a nail file or emery board, if necessary ) or perhaps the buttons or “cut-outs” which are used to attach elastics with aligners ( like Invisalign or Clear correct ).

Orthodontic aligners with buttons in place.

Orthodontic aligners with elasticss in place.

Small mouth ulcer associated with orthodontic bracket.
When it is possible to identify the source of the irritation e.g. an orthodontic bracket or button, wax maybe used to relieve the irritation.We will provide you with orthodontic wax when your orthodontic appliance is fitted.

Orthodontic wax container.

Orthodontic wax in container.

Wax is rolled into the shape of a small pea.

Wax is applied to bracket or button.

Wax in place – Mouth ulcer healed.
In most cases the mouth will adapt to the new appliances in a few days. The orthodontic wax helps to alleviate any irritation. If you are concerned about anything after your appliances have been fitted please contact us, we will be there to answer any questions and to support and encourage you throughout your orthodontic treatment.
This blog was written by Dr John Buckley Clonmel’s most qualified and most experienced orthodontist. We use cutting edge technology in Clonmel Orthodontics to provide excellent orthodontic treatment at affordable prices.Our surgeries are airy spacious and private , like you might expect if you visited a general medical practitioner.