Orthodontic Treatment

Aligners and Invisalign

Invisalign and Clear Correct are both well known brands of aligners, there are numerous brands on the market nowadays. Invisalign has become a household name like “Hoover” for a vacuum cleaner, this is due to very intensive marketing. All of these systems consist of a series of clear trays each of which is worn for 1 or 2 weeks. They are almost invisible. They have a role for patients who are self conscious about wearing braces. They are not however suitable for everybody. When certain types of tooth movement are required they will work very well, however for other types of movement they are less accurate.

If you wish to have more information on this issue please see. It is important to appreciate that one of the reasons why the results achieved by invisalign and other aligners have improved is the realisation that it is necessary to place attachments on the teeth so that the aligners can get a handle to move the tooth much like a bracket. please see If attachments are not used when they are indicated, they quality of the final result will he sub-optimal. If you wish to consider treatment with invisalign please contact us.


Invisalign markets its product very extensively directly to the public.

This fact alone rather than its effectiveness accounts for the fact that it is well known.

The published scientific work on invisalign however suggests that it is only effective at treating very minor malocclusions. Invisalign in general only moves the teeth 41% of the way that was desired (please click here) Article courtesy of the American Association of Orthodontists

Dr Buckley is a certified invisalign user, and will be happy to tell you whether or not invisalign is suitable for you.